TTRPG Pickup Con Games Schedule
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Pickup Con Schedule
*All times listed in the US Central Time Zone.*
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“Skeleton Crew” - DCC (Cozy Crawl Classics) is a Standard One Shot in the Dungeon Crawl Classics (Cozified) system. Led by Yorkus Rex
"Cozy Characters (pregens available), Zoom Interface with roll-your-own dice convenience! This is a modified (heavily-modified) DCC Experience
“Life as a reanimated skeleton was simple when the Necromancer was alive. His orders were clear, tasks were repetitive, and mindless eternal servitude was pleasantly peaceful. The Necromancer made every contingency to live beyond his death until he foolishly allowed himself to be flung into a fiery sea of molten magma beneath the volcano. Now life in the Dark Tower is chaotic and disorderly. Skeletons have abandoned their duties and try to return to a semblance of life through games, dances, and tea parties. Defenses have fallen and the master’s head of security, a literal severed head, believes adventurers are closing in to loot the Necromancer’s vaults. With no way to physically force the skeletons to do his bidding, he resorts to playing on the skeletons’ new playfulness to create a game of tower defense.”
This game will be great if you like skeletons engaging in slapstick cartoon violence and warming their bones by the fire.
The game runner will 0-level provide characters.
This session will be especially good for new players.
The game runner is very familiar with this system.
Tone: Silly⚪⚪⚬⚬⚬ Serious
Combat: ⚪⚪⚬⚬⚬
Role Play: ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚬
Exploration: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬
This game will be hosted on Zoom, and Zoom Whiteboard will be used for mapping.
CW: Undead
Check out the Rules- https://goodman-games.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/DCC_QSR_Free.pdf
Yorkus Rex’s Game Runner Profile- https://www.indecisionist.com/ttrpg-pickup-con-game-runners/yorkusrex

“The Doom That Walked to Shküllheim” is a Standard One Shot in the Dungeon Crawl Classics system. Led by Yorkus Rex
“The Doom That Walked to Shküllheim” is a Standard One Shot in the Dungeon Crawl Classics system. Led by Yorkus Rex
For centuries, the great colossus sat silently brooding on its mountain throne partially covered by landslides of earth and rock. The Stone Priests claimed their power alone kept the Great Destroyer from rising from its stony slumber and annihilating the city. With the recent murder of the order’s high priest, the colossus has risen and begun a slow walk towards the city. The dead are rising from their graves. Storms roll wild over the plains. Panic grips the populace as many flee. Will your party of reavers and cutthroats be able to unlock the mystery of the approaching colossus and SAVE THE CITY? Also: get paid fat loot!
This game will be great if you like films like The Jabberwocky and dark comedy.
The game runner will provide 1st level characters.
This session will be especially good for new players.
The game runner is very familiar with this system.
Tone: Silly⚪⚪⚬⚬⚬ Serious
Combat: ⚪⚪⚬⚬⚬
Role Play: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬
Exploration: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬
This game will be hosted on Zoom and use Zoom whiteboard for mapping.
CW: Undead, violence
Yorkus Rex’s Game Runner Profile- https://www.indecisionist.com/ttrpg-pickup-con-game-runners/yorkusrex
Check out the Rules: https://goodman-games.com/store/wp-content/uploads/sites/10/2020/09/DCC_QSR_Free2.pdf

“Crawl, Pubcrawlers, Crawl!” a Standard One Shot in the Dungeon Crawl Classics (Lankhmar) system. Led by Yorkus Rex.
Check out the Game Rules https://goodman-games.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/DCC_QSR_Free.pdf
Yorkus Rex’s Game Runner Profile- https://www.indecisionist.com/ttrpg-pickup-con-game-runners/yorkusrex
A 1st level Dungeon Crawl Classics adventure set in Lankhmar, The City of Seventy Score Thousand Smokes.
Zoom interface with roll-your-own physical dice convenience! Pre-gens will be provided. No DCC experience is necessary.
“The Brewers Guild holds an annual pub crawl in the city of Lankhmar with the offer of fleeting fame and mild rewards for the champions. This year’s event is a bit different with a twisting route mapped through some of the seediest swill-holes in the roughest neighborhoods that the Slums have to offer. Still, teams are assembling for the chance to assault their constitutions with strong drink and revelry for the chance to claim the Tin Tankard. However, strange forces and sinister figures seem to lurk at the corners of the event. Can your team manage to crawl to victory?
This game will be great if you like bars, fights, mysteries, and drunken fun.
The game runner will provide 1st level characters.
This session will be especially good for new players.
The game runner is very familiar with this system.
Tone: Silly⚪⚪⚬⚬⚬ Serious
Combat: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬
Role Play: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬
Exploration: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬
This game will be hosted on Zoom. A Zoom link will be emailed to participants.
CW: Alcohol consumption, graphic violence, occult/cultists

“Revenge of the Goblins” a Standard One Shot in the Dungeon Crawl Classics system. Led by Yorkus Rex
A 0-level Goblin Funnel Dungeon Crawl Classics adventure set in the Gobbo-Infested Green Marshes.
Zoom interface with roll-your-own physical dice convenience! Pre-gens will be provided. No DCC experience necessary.
“Goblins have been standard cannon fodder for adventurers since time immemorial but now you can see the world through their beady bloodshot eyes!
Goblin warlord Boss Gnash has summoned the low families to his throne room. A marauding band of humans has laid waste to his royal guard and made off with the clan’s treasure including his magic rod. He is charging all of you with the task of avenging the clan’s honor under the threat of death. Succeed and you will become honored Green Guard; fail and you better not show yer noses around the Warrens again or Gnash will claim them for his own! File your teeth, grab your clubs, shield your eyes from harsh old Mister Sun, and lay waste to the ‘ooman scum!”"
This game will be great if you like cartoony revenge, John Wick meets Bugs Bunny
The game runner will provide 0-level (funnel) characters.
This session will be especially good for new players.
The game runner is very familiar with this system.
Tone: Silly⚪⚬⚬⚬⚬ Serious
Combat: ⚪⚪⚬⚬⚬
Role Play: ⚪⚪⚬⚬⚬
Exploration: ⚪⚪⚬⚬⚬
This game will be hosted over zoom.
CW: Violence, graphic yet cartoony description of gore

“Love Mutants of Castle Heartache” - a DCC Holiday Romance”. A Standard One Shot led by Yorkus Rex
Ever been dumped so hard you transformed into a bloodthirsty mutant monster? We see you, hero.
Olathvee, Mad Un-God of mortal passion, lies heartsick after his romantic advances went ignored by the otherworldly object of his affection. Now his cosmic desolation grips our entire world, separating every lover from their other and threatening to end civilization within a generation. The only chance for mankind is a dangerous quest that will pit our lovelorn heroes against Olathvee’s own castle guardians, mutated by metaphysical anguish into horrifying creatures. Who dares to delve into the darkest, loneliest corners of Castle Heartache?”
This game will be great if you like romance novel tropes, farcical comedy
Level 3 characters will be provided.
New players are welcome.
The game runner is very familiar with this system.
Tone: Silly⚪⚪⚬⚬⚬ Serious
Combat: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬
Role Play: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬
Exploration: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬
This game will be hosted on Zoom.
CW: Sexual Content

"Love in the Age of Gong Farmers" - a DCC Holiday Romp a Standard One Shot in the Dungeon Crawl Classics system. Led by Yorkus Rex
“In this special Valentine’s Day-themed adventure, a group of adventurers must face the wrath of an offended deity who has substituted the heart of a young cleric with that of a mechanical bear. To save the cleric, the adventurers must overcome candy heart puzzles, feral fluffees, and other obstacles if they are to keep hope alive and once again know love in the age of gongfarmers.”
This game will be great if you like Valentines Day tropes, and farcical comedy.
Level 2 characters will be provided.
New players are welcome.
The game runner is very familiar with this system.
Tone: Silly⚪⚪⚬⚬⚬ Serious
Combat: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬
Role Play: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬
Exploration: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬
This game will be hosted via zoom.
CW: Sexual Content (implied)

The Piney Wood Creepers Are A’Creeping Tonight: A Shudder Mountains Tale
The Piney Wood Creepers Are A’Creeping Tonight: A Shudder Mountains Tale, a Standard One Shot in the Dungeon Crawl Classics - Shudder Mountains system, led by Yorkus Rex
Most thought the Piney Wood Creepers were just a tall tale meant to frighten children into staying home at night. A recent heavy storm and muddy landslide would set into motion a series of horrifying events proving them wrong!
This game will be great if you like Army of Darkness, Evil Dead, Pumpkinhead, Descent
Level 2 characters will be provided.
New players are welcome.
The game runner is very familiar with this system.
Tone: Silly⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬ Serious
Combat: ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚬
Role Play: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬
Exploration: ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚬
This game will be hosted via zoom.
CW: Blood, Gore, Claustrophobia

Mutant High School: The (Not So) Freshmutants
A game in the Mutant Crawl Classics system, led by Yorkus Rex.
Welcome to Mutant High School, where the students have evolved beyond the curriculum. Can toxic teens survive killer robots, mutant gangsters, toxic truthers, and exams? The answers are hidden behind the walls of No-Go City, and you must find them!
This game will be great if you like Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Revenge of the Nerds, The Breakfast Club, or Class of Nuke ‘Em High.
Level 1 characters will be provided.
This game will be great for new players.
Tone: Silly⚪⚪⚬⚬⚬ Serious
Combat: ⚪⚪⚬⚬⚬
Role Play: ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚬
Exploration: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬
This game will be hosted on Zoom.
CW: Bullying, violence, classism

The Moonshine Blade of Obadiah Sterhg
A game in the Dungeon Crawl Classics (Shudder Mountains) system, led by YorkusRex.
“The town of Sanctuary Hill tells the story of Obadiah Sterhg, who years upon years ago pulled a shining blade from a silver pool by the light of the full moon and drove the Moon-Eyed Men back underground, saving the town. Life has been peaceful and quiet until recently. Strange little creatures with large eyes have been seen in the woods near town. Have the Moon-Eyed Men returned? Where is Obadiah’s Moonshine Sword?”
This game will be great if you like Pumpkinhead, The Hillbilly (comic), and Old Gods of Appalachia.
A 1st-level DCC adventure set in the haunted hills and hollers of the Shudder Mountains (pregens provided).
This will be a Zoom event; meeting info will be sent by email; dice rolls on the honor system.
This game will be great for new players.
Tone: Silly⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬ Serious
Combat: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬
Role Play: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬
Exploration: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬
This game will be run in Zoom.
CW: Violence, alcohol

Escape the Abysmal Asylum - A DCC Lankhmar Meet
A game in the Dungeon Crawl Classics (Lankhmar) system, led by Yorkus Rex.
“You awaken to find yourself chained in a darkened cell. As your eyes adjust to the shadows, you realize that you are not alone! As you struggle to escape, you hear the sound of a key in the door lock…” A 1st level Dungeon Crawl Classics adventure set in Lankhmar, The City of Seventy Score Thousand Smokes. Simple Zoom interface, pregens provided, roll your physical dice on the honor system.
This game will be great if you like Swords and sorcery, Hammer films.
First-level pregens will be provided.
This game will be great for new players.
Tone: Silly⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬ Serious
Combat: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬
Role Play: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬
Exploration: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬
This game will be hosted on Zoom.
CW: Kidnapping, Murder, Physical Restraint, Ritual Sacrifice, Torture

Special Delivery - a DCC Lankhmar Exploit
A game in the Dungeon Crawl Classics (Lankhmar) system, led by YorkusRex.
“A chance meeting, a simple offer, the lure of power and riches… such starts the tales of many of Lankhmar’s most notorious rogues and rascals. A mysterious stranger offers you a seemingly easy task: transport a package across town and deposit it in the River Hlal before sundown without raising suspicion… easy, right? Do this thing and future work is yours for the taking!” Level 1 (characters created during the session), Zoom Interface with roll-your-own dice convenience!
This game will be great if you like The Three Musketeers (1973), Guy Ritchie crime films.
Level 1 pregens will be provided.
This game will be great for new players.
Tone: Silly⚪⚪⚬⚬⚬ Serious
Combat: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬
Role Play: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬
Exploration: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬
This game will be hosted over zoom.
CW: Kidnapping, Murder, Ritual Sacrifice

The Jeweler That Dealt in Stardust - A DCC Lankhmar Heist
A game in the Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar system, led by Yorkus Rex.
“A band of torchbearers passes the shop of Ogo the Jeweler, where Cheap Street intersects Dowager Alley. Their brands sputter and spit in the darkness as the cold rain courses off the tile roof, pouring down into the street and draining into a nearby sewer. You flex your fingers to ward off the chill, silently thankful for a night without moon or stars. As the last of the torchbearers pass out of sight, you nod to your companions. It is time.” Ogo the Jeweler hasn’t been seen for some time. Rumors abound that his shop holds a fortune in gold and gems begging to be claimed. Will your band of scoundrels be the first to claim the prize?
This game will be great if you like Thief, Korgoth of Barbaria.
Level 3 characters will be provided.
This game will be great for new players.
Tone: Silly⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬ Serious
Combat: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬
Role Play: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬
Exploration: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬
This game will be hosted on Zoom.
CW: Violence.

Dungeon Escape - A Lankhmar Meet
A game in the Dungeon Crawl Classics - Lankhmar ruleset, led by Yorkus Rex.
“You awaken to find yourself chained in a darkened cell. As your eyes adjust to the shadows, you realize that you are not alone! As you struggle to escape, you hear the sound of a key in the door lock…” Imprisoned by unknown captors with little hope for survival, desperate strangers must find a way to work together and escape this mysterious dungeon before their fates are sealed.
This game will be great if you like Thief, Korgoth of Barbaria.
First level characters will be provided.
This game will be great for new players.
Tone: Silly⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬ Serious
Combat: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬
Role Play: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬
Exploration: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬
This game will be hosted on Zoom.
CW: Violence, imprisonment

Frozen in Time (DCC)
A game in the Dungeon Crawl Classics system, led by Yorkus Rex.
Eons-old secrets slumber beneath the forbidden Ghost Ice. Since the time of the Elders, the local tribes have shunned the crawling glacier, knowing it as taboo land that slays all who tread its frigid expanse. Now, the Ghost Ice has shattered, revealing hints at deeper mysteries entombed within its icy grasp. Strange machines and wonderful horrors stir beneath the ice…
This game will be great if you like Yor, Hunter from the Future.
first level characters will be provided.
This game will be good for new players.
This game will balance silliness and seriousness and combat with role play.
This game will be hosted on Zoom.
CW: Violence

Firefight @ Freebies
A game in the Cyber Sprawl Classics (DCC), led by Yorkus Rex.
Freebies Fun Factory was a cutting edge entertainment center based on cheap, cartoony aesthetics. It was a popular place for corpos to drop off their kids for an evening of games, music, and barely-edible proto-pizza. After some unusual accidents, the venue was shut down, abandoned, and boarded up. A fixer has approached you with a simple job: a corpo’s nephew has gone missing at Freebies and he wants a team to find out what happened. There’s a bonus if you can recover the nephew alive. Lots of weird rumors have popped up about Freebies over the years but this should be a walk in the virtual park for a talented crew. Your crew should do alright as well.
This game will be great if you like Five Nights at Freddie’s, Willy’s Wonderland
first level characters will be provided.
This game will be good for new players.
This game will balance silliness and seriousness and will lean a little toward combat over role play.
This game will be hosted on Zoom.
CW: Horror, violence, puppets.

The Witch's Jug- A Shudder Mountain Tale
A game in the Dungeon Crawl Classics system, led by Yorkus Rex
A 1st level Dungeon Crawl Classics adventure set in The Shudder Mountains (Chained Coffin). The Shudder Mountains setting is a blend of fantasy and Appalachian horror based loosely on the writings of Manly Wade Wellman. “Some say ol’ Melasé lives alone because she values privacy; others say it’s because she’s unneighborly. Still, some say she’s a witch in league with dark powers. If this is the case, maybe she can help... Several locals have fallen ill; they’re just a layin’ there in their beds neither awake nor asleep and nothin’ will rouse them. The ol’ witch-woman may know the cure that is if’n she ain’t the cause!” This will be a Zoom event (free account required); dice rolls on the honor system. Pregens will be made available. No DCC experience necessary; system will be taught in-game.
This game will be great if you like hillbilly humor and backwoods horror.
This game is for first level characters which will be provided.
This game will balance silliness with seriousness and combat with role play.
This game will be hosted on Zoom.
CW: Violence, sickness, witchcraft

Turf War - a DCC Lankhmar Exploit
A game in the DCC Lankhmar setting and system, led by Yorkus Rex.
“War is brewing in the neighborhood. Two rival gangs have decided that their counterpart has to go. They can leave peacefully or be rolled out on a corpse-collector’s cart. You’ve stumbled into the middle of this impending clash and sense there’s coin to be made. Which side will you choose?”
This game will be great if you like Urban adventure, gang fights, A Fistful of Dollars (or Yojimbo).
First level characters will be provided.
This game will be great for new players.
This game will balance seriousness with silliness and combat with role-play.
This game will be hosted on Zoom.
CW: Violence, betrayal.

Special Delivery - a DCC Lankhmar Exploit
A game in the Dungeon Crawl Classics - Lankhmar setting and system, led by Yorkus Rex.
“A chance meeting, a simple offer, the lure of power and riches… such starts the tales of many of Lankhmar’s most notorious rogues and rascals. A mysterious stranger offers you a seemingly easy task: transport a package across town and deposit it in the River Hlal before sundown without raising suspicion… easy, right? Do this thing and future work is yours for the taking!”
This game will be great if you like Urban adventure, intrigue, criminal underworlds, farcical comedy.
First elvel characters will be built in session. Will furnish materials/links to players.
This game will be great for new players.
This game will balance silliness with seriousness and lean a toward role play over combat.
This game wiul be hosted on Zoom.
CW: Dead bodies, violence

Headless Harpe - a DCC Shudder Mountains Tale
A game in the Dungeon Crawl Classics system, led by Yorkus Rex
It was a hundred years ago when Horace Harpe, notorious highwayman and road-killer, was brought to violent justice. His skull was placed on the hawthorn tree that marked the road leading to the settlement that would later grow into Ghost-light Hill. Tall tales about the headless ghost of Harpe have haunted the hollows for years but with the recent theft of the skull from its century-old resting place the tales have taken on a deadly truth. It’s up to you and your band of adventuresome knockabouts to lay this vengeful spirit to rest but how do you kill a ghost?
Folk horror stories, Pumpkinhead, tale tales, the art of Chris Schweizer
First level characters will be provided.
This game will be great for new players.
This game will balance combat with roll play and silliness with seriousness.
This game will be run over zoom.
CW: Horror, violence.

Headless Harpe - a DCC Shudder Mountains Tale
A game in the Dungeon Crawl Classics system, led by Yorkus Rex
It was a hundred years ago when Horace Harpe, notorious highwayman and road-killer, was brought to violent justice. His skull was placed on the hawthorn tree that marked the road leading to the settlement that would later grow into Ghost-light Hill. Tall tales about the headless ghost of Harpe have haunted the hollows for years but with the recent theft of the skull from its century-old resting place the tales have taken on a deadly truth. It’s up to you and your band of adventuresome knockabouts to lay this vengeful spirit to rest but how do you kill a ghost?
Folk horror stories, Pumpkinhead, tale tales, the art of Chris Schweizer
First level characters will be provided.
This game will be great for new players.
This game will balance combat with roll play and silliness with seriousness.
This game will be run over zoom.
CW: Horror, violence.

The Night Brings Death… - a DCC Lankhmar Tale
A game running in the DCC Lankhmar system and setting, led by YorkusRex.
A series of mysterious murders has brought your neighborhood to a panic. Deaths are common in Lankhmar but the nature of these nocturnal killings has everyone dreading the setting sun; the victims were all savagely attacked and drained of blood! Thieves House is holding your gang responsible and the boss fears you will all be targeted by bravos from the Slayer’s Guild or worse, the single-minded killers of the Assassin‘s Order if this mysterious killer remains uncaught. Time is running out!
This game will be great if you like Hammer films, mysteries, foggy streets, and murder most foul!
Level 2 characters will be provided. Short history of the setting will be provided (1/2 page).
This game will be great for new players.
This game will lean to the serious side and favor role play over combat.
This game will be run over zoom.
CW: Violence, blood

The Night Brings Death… - a DCC Lankhmar Tale
A game running in the DCC Lankhmar system and setting, led by YorkusRex.
A series of mysterious murders has brought your neighborhood to a panic. Deaths are common in Lankhmar but the nature of these nocturnal killings has everyone dreading the setting sun; the victims were all savagely attacked and drained of blood! Thieves House is holding your gang responsible and the boss fears you will all be targeted by bravos from the Slayer’s Guild or worse, the single-minded killers of the Assassin‘s Order if this mysterious killer remains uncaught. Time is running out!
This game will be great if you like Hammer films, mysteries, foggy streets, and murder most foul!
Level 2 characters will be provided. Short history of the setting will be provided (1/2 page).
This game will be great for new players.
This game will lean to the serious side and favor role play over combat.
This game will be run over zoom.
CW: Violence, blood

Island of the Lost
A game in the DCC system, led by YorkusRex.
Whether it was the strange storm, the sweeping sea and the jagged rocks, or something else assaulting the ship during the confusion, you find yourselves stranded on an unknown island inhabited by dangerous beasts and unusual folk. Escape seems impossible but perhaps the ancient city in the center of the island may hold hope.
This game will be great if you like the idea of Lost meets Land of the Lost.
Level one characters will be provided.
This game will be great for new players.
This game will lean to the silly and favor combat a little bit over role play.
This game will be hosted over Zoom.
CW: Violence

Chapel of the Damned
A game in the Dungeon Crawl Classics system, led by Yorkus Rex.
“The storm and heavy mists made travel difficult enough but the mist brought... things, horrible things. Seeking refuge from assaults both natural and not, you stumble into a seemingly safe village but something here is wrong. The village is cursed and doomed to die; unfortunately whatever seeks this destruction doesn’t care that you aren’t residents. Will you break the curse and save the village or be dragged to some unknown hell with it?”
This game will be great if you like Army of Darkness and Hammer films.
First level characters will be provided.
The game will be great for new players.
This game will be a little silly and lean toward combat.
This game will be played over Zoom.
CW: PG13