TTRPG Pickup Con Games Schedule
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Pickup Con Schedule
*All times listed in the US Central Time Zone.*
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“Harbour Ends ─ a slasher ordeal for Troika!” is a Standard One Shot in the Troika! System. Led by Sean F. Smith
“Harbour Ends ─ a slasher ordeal for Troika!” is a Standard One Shot in the Troika! System. Led by Sean F. Smith
"The party have been tasked with tracking down a reclusive vagrant, Silas Hansom, who's the only person in town who knows the name of the wizard who built the tower on the bluff. Silas is known to hide out in the commercial docks just upriver and you have to find him tonight.
However, six years ago ─ to the very day ─ prominent militiaman Conrad Zaar was lured to these docks to be murdered by the gang whose secrets he was selling. They tied him up, set him ablaze, and drowned him in the river.
But Conrad did not die.
And each year, on the night of his death, he returns."
This game will be great if you like slasher movies, seaside noir
We will build starting characters in session. Full details here ─ https://troika-srd.netlify.app/#/character-creation ─ but no prior reading is necessary New players are welcome.
The game runner is very familiar with this system.
Tone: Silly⚪⚪⚪⚪⚬ Serious
Combat: ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚬
Role Play: ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚬
Exploration: ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪
This game will be hosted on Google Meet
CW: murder, immortal slasher killer, port and seaside
Check out the Rules: https://troika-srd.netlify.app/
Sean F. Smith's Game Runner Profile www.indecisionist.com/ttrpg-pickup-con-game-runners/sean-f-smith

“Harbour Ends ─ a slasher ordeal for Troika!” is a Standard One Shot in the Troika! System. Led by Sean F. Smith
“Harbour Ends ─ a slasher ordeal for Troika!” is a Standard One Shot in the Troika! System. Led by Sean F. Smith
"The party have been tasked with tracking down a reclusive vagrant, Silas Hansom, who's the only person in town who knows the name of the wizard who built the tower on the bluff. Silas is known to hide out in the commercial docks just upriver and you have to find him tonight.
However, six years ago ─ to the very day ─ prominent militiaman Conrad Zaar was lured to these docks to be murdered by the gang whose secrets he was selling. They tied him up, set him ablaze, and drowned him in the river.
But Conrad did not die.
And each year, on the night of his death, he returns."
This game will be great if you like slasher movies, seaside noir
We will build starting characters in session. Full details here ─ https://troika-srd.netlify.app/#/character-creation ─ but no prior reading is necessary New players are welcome.
The game runner is very familiar with this system.
Tone: Silly⚪⚪⚪⚪⚬ Serious
Combat: ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚬
Role Play: ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚬
Exploration: ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪
This game will be hosted on Google Meet
CW: murder, immortal slasher killer, port and seaside
Check out the Rules: https://troika-srd.netlify.app/
Sean F. Smith's Game Runner Profile www.indecisionist.com/ttrpg-pickup-con-game-runners/sean-f-smith
![“[OSR] Kraken Corpse Delve” a Standard One Shot in the Searchers of the Unknown system. Led by Sean F. Smith](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f5036c09ca961692a57edc4/1726188714968-LWLL8QD2ONVSV4HHHR45/335464+-+Sean+Smith.jpg)
“[OSR] Kraken Corpse Delve” a Standard One Shot in the Searchers of the Unknown system. Led by Sean F. Smith
"Everyone says the world is dying. Today you meet a stranger who has already seen it happen. Shehas traveled back through time to save the world…but only if you can save her!
An eldritch woman from the future begs you to save her from her sister, who wants to drag her back to her own time.
To close the time portal, you must climb down through the buried corpse of a kraken. The prize? A giant diamond worth 10,000 GP…if you can pull it out of the portal!"
This game will be great if you like weird fantasy, benthic body horror, and exploration-over-combat
We will build level 1 characters in session.
New players are welcome.
The game runner is very familiar with this system.
Tone: Silly⚪⚪⚪⚪⚬ Serious
Combat: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬
Role Play: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬
Exploration: ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪
This game will be hosted on another Discord server.
CW: kraken, dungeon delve, time travel, time portal, cosmic horror, eldritch horror, tentacles, mutations, parasites, underwater, dreams, nightmares, night terrors
Check out the Rules: https://searchersoftheunknown.wordpress.com/2014/12/05/searchers-of-the-unkown-original-version/
Sean F. Smith's Game Runner Profile www.indecisionist.com/ttrpg-pickup-con-game-runners/sean-f-smith

“Glister Chamber Gullet Quest” a Standard One Shot in the Troika! System. Led by David P
Congratulations, citizen! You have been randomly selected for a short bout of Biohazard-Control duty! Report to your local Biohazard-Control Department Chapter for details concerning the Thrilling Adventure of missing-persons retrieval to which you have been assigned." The messenger looks around furtively, and lowers his voice. "You know that dragon what crash-landed yesterday? Word is, there's some kinda rich muckity-muck inside that needs extractin'." He grins toothily, then scampers off before you can muster a reply.
This game will be great if you like dragons (especially their interiors), Fantastic Voyage, The Magic Schoolbus, and weird science-fantasy
We will build characters in the session.
keep an open mind and roll with it
New players are welcome. Players need to have played some RPGs
Players will be learning this system together with the game runner.
Tone: Silly⚪⚪⚬⚬⚬ Serious
Combat: ⚪⚪⚬⚬⚬
Role Play: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬
Exploration: ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚬
This session will eh hosted in room #2 of the TTRPG Pickup Con Discord Server. Spectators are welcome in the Discord room.
CW: bodily fluids and secretions
David P’s Game Runner Profile
Check out the Game Rules- https://www.troikarpg.com/resources

“Glister Chamber Gullet Quest” a Standard One Shot in the Troika! System. Led by David P
Congratulations, citizen! You have been randomly selected for a short bout of Biohazard-Control duty! Report to your local Biohazard-Control Department Chapter for details concerning the Thrilling Adventure of missing-persons retrieval to which you have been assigned." The messenger looks around furtively, and lowers his voice. "You know that dragon what crash-landed yesterday? Word is, there's some kinda rich muckity-muck inside that needs extractin'." He grins toothily, then scampers off before you can muster a reply.
This game will be great if you like dragons (especially their interiors), Fantastic Voyage, The Magic Schoolbus, and weird science-fantasy
We will build characters in the session.
keep an open mind and roll with it
New players are welcome. Players need to have played some RPGs
Players will be learning this system together with the game runner.
Tone: Silly⚪⚪⚬⚬⚬ Serious
Combat: ⚪⚪⚬⚬⚬
Role Play: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬
Exploration: ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚬
This session will eh hosted in room #2 of the TTRPG Pickup Con Discord Server. Spectators are welcome in the Discord room.
CW: bodily fluids and secretions
David P’s Game Runner Profile
Check out the Game Rules- https://www.troikarpg.com/resources

“Perpetual Temple of the Pale Falcon” a Standard One Shot in the Original Dungeons and Dragons system. Led by Sean F. Smith
Rampaging hordes of goblinoids have been laying siege to follies and keeps in the outer regions of the duchy. The palace mage Xi’Gag has formed a plan to blunt the assault but is missing a key item of power - the time record, which lies ensconced in the mysterious Temple of the Pale Falcon. You have been conscripted to join a party tasked with its recovery.
SGi PERPETUAL TEMPLE OF THE PALE FALCON is the first in the Syzygy line of adventures, whose content is procedurally derived from the birth chart of an individual."
This game will be great if you like Harryhausen films, old-school dungeon bashes, and fantastic locations.
We will build level 1 characters in the session.
New players are welcome.
The game runner is very familiar with this system.
Tone: Silly⚪⚪⚪⚪⚬ Serious
Combat: ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚬
Role Play: ⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬
Exploration: ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪
This game will be hosted in room #1 of the TTRPG Pickup Con Discord Server.
CW: fantasy violence, reptiles, undead

“The Will and Well of Wilmingdon” a Standard One Shot in the Quarrel + Fable system. Led by Sean F. Smith
Check out the Rules- http://quarrel-fable.carrd.co/
In Wilmingdon, they plough the fields with warhorses. And when the eorl dies, you'll descend into the well where you will find out why."
This game will be great if you like
creative OSR gameplay
cobwebbed British folklore
We will build characters in session. Chargen detail here: https://quarrel-fable.carrd.co/#persons ─ though we'll manage that at the very start of the session.
This session will be especially good for new players., New players are welcome. This system was written by the game runner.
Tone: Silly⚪⚪⚬⚬⚬ Serious
Combat: ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚬
Role Play: ⚪⚪⚬⚬⚬
Exploration: ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪
This game will be hosted in Google Meet. The game runner will use Wilmingdon for TPC
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/yzu-wtqn-hrm"
CW: fantasy gore, mild claustrophobia, subterranean humanoids