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“Uncle Bilbo's Things” is a Standard One Shot/ Playtest session in The Travelling Appraisals Show system. Led by Ansel Burch

  • Indecisionist Productions (map)

Every city in Middle Earth has treasures. For the past 30 years it's been the distinct pleasure of the Travelling Appraisers to get a glimpse of the truly wonderous items that are hiding in the attics and cupboards from the Eriador to Belfalas. This week, we find ourselves in the the Shire town of Hobbiton where the heirs of an eccentric collector are looking to get a valuation on some truly exceptional pieces.

This game will be good for you if you like comfort watching PBS and playing poker incorrectly

We will build characters in session.

New players are welcome.

This system was written by the game runner.

Tone: Silly⚪⚪⚪⚬⚬ Serious

Combat: ⚪⚬⚬⚬⚬

Role Play: ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚬

Exploration: ⚪⚬⚬⚬⚬

This game will be hosted in room #2 of The TTRPG Pickup Con Discord server. Spectators are welcome in the Discord room.

March 29

“Age of Adventure” is a Standard One Shot in the Age of Adventure RPG system. Led by GM Tavis

March 30

“A Fairy Tale Fiasco” is a Standard One Shot in the Fiasco Classic system. Led by Andy Pymont