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The Beast of Semirechye

Uttewalder Grund - Nathan Cavaliere.jpg

A game in the Domains of Shadow system led by Nathan Cavaliere.

The year is 1915 in the Semirechye (semi-retch-eye) Oblast, a province of the Russian Empire in what is currently Kazakhstan. A nation pulled into the shadow of a world at war finds itself at the edge of another terror: a nameless monster only spoken of in whispered tones. Reports will soon come from all across the region of sightings of a barely seen horror, artifacts stolen in the night, cattle found mysteriously slaughtered in the fields, strange noises coming from the lakes and mountains, and, worst of all, people going missing without explanation. Terrified locals and Russian officers alike will take desperate measures to defend themselves and their livelihoods and hunt this beast down. What starts as an investigation into what is assumed to merely be an unusually violent animal goes awry as revelations of conspiracy, mutiny, and witchcraft are brought into the blinding light of day. This is the story of the Beast of Semirechye, the people who witnessed it, and the turmoil that resulted from their actions. Domains of Shadow is a GMless storygame of Gothic Horror and Shakespearean Tragedy with a focus on dramatic effect, smooth pacing, and streamlined rules. There are two elements at the foundation of Domains of Shadow. The first is a non-continous story structure consisting of multiple distinct scenes where the role of creating the introductions to scenes rotates between players. The second is the Blight, which represents the influence of the Otherworld on the human mind, and the way that it drives people to their loss of composure and possible tragic downfall by promising them inner strength and dark occult power.

This game will be great if you like stories about Cryptids and Folklore.

Pregenerated characters will be provided.

This game will be great for new players.

This game will be very serious and lean toward role play over combat.

This game will be hosted on the con’s Discord server and spectators are welcome.

CW: Cryptid Horror, Assassination, Mutiny

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