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Raptor's Peak: Who Watches the Owl

A game in the D&D 5e ruleset led by Ansel Burch.

Raptor's Peak is home to a unique deity, The Great Owl. For centuries, the eyes of The Great Owl have looked over the idyllic platform of rock and water which is now home to the resort town which shares it's name with the peak itself. Of late, the peace which the great owl brought has weakened. Incursions from outside have shaken the calm. Other potentates have made plays for control over the peak. Mother Initze has called ou once again for help. The Great Owl needs help, she's sure of it.

This game will be great if you like The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Paradise, 2001 a Space Odyssey, The Prestige.

Players should prepare level 7 characters ahead. You should build or level up your characters ahead if you are able. Otherwise, please let me know (give me any ideas you have) and I will prepare a character for you. You may use either standard array or rolled (Roll 4, Keep 3: 7 times, drop the lowest). Feats are allowed and encouraged in lieu of ability increases. Your characters should come into the session with four magic items: one "common", one "uncommon" and two "rare". A list is available here: Returning characters who have picked items during previous adventurers in Raptor Peak need not count them towards the magic items granted above.

This game will be good for new players.

This game will balance seriousness with silliness and lean a little toward role play over combat.

This game will be hosted on the con’s Discord server.

CW: none.

June 26

The Beast of Semirechye

June 26

Fate of Shadows: Winnipeg. A supernatural cyberpunk game set in the Winnipeg of a future.