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The Imaginarium of Monty Python and the adventures of Baron Brazil in Time: A Terry Gilliam Homage Rendered Inexpertly Through the Medium of Fate


A game in the Fate system, led by Ansel Burch.

A step into the Imaginarium transports our heroes into a world where anything can happen, whether it makes sense or not. Follow erstwhile companions and misfits as they endure quick and unexpected jumps in time, random cutscenes and a plot that is surprisingly cohesive regardless.

This game will be great if you like Terry Gilliams' Oeuvre.

We will build characters in session.

This game wil lbe great for new players.

This game will be extremely silly and favor role play heavily over combat.

This game will be hosted on the con’s Discord server and spectators are welcome.

CW: None.

August 1

Raptor's Peak: Irresponsible Speeds

August 20

Rat Salad (DCC)