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Super Teens!

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A game in the MASKS system led by Adam Mc

Teenagers with superpowers! Saving the day! Making poor decisions! Believing in yourself! Believing (maybe?) in your teammates! Getting worked up over nothing! Lasers! Anxiety! Magic! Sarcasm! Mutants! Your dumb feelings! Come experience it all through the eyes of a teen superhero that you create. Easy to pick up and play, great for beginners and veteran gamers alike.

This game will be great if you like Marvel things, DC things, comic-booky whatsits.

Character creation will be taken care of prior to the session with game runner assistance.

This game is good for new players.

This game will balance comedy and drama as well as combat with role play.

This game will play on the TTRPG Pickup Con Discord server.

Content Warnings: Mild violence, teen angst, cool swearwords

March 21

Titled Goose RPG

March 21

Feeling Drained