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Super Teens

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A Game in the MASKS system led by Skeleton.shirt

Can this group of super-powered teenagers save the world? Emotions running high, not nearly enough training, and the fate of innocents hangs in the balance. Create your own teen superhero in training and face off against metahuman threats while attempting to overcome your adolescent awkwardness! Easy to pick up and play!

This game will be great if you like X-men, Teen Titans, the MCU, Buffy, etc.

Characters will be built in a separate session zero. You will receive a doodle poll at registration to schedule this.

This game will be good for players with some familiarity.

This game will balance silliness with seriousness. This game will lean to role play over combat.

This game will run on the con’s Discord server.

CW: none

January 23

Cameron's Random Ruckus of Randomville

January 23

Pilgrimage to the Deep One