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Drag Race in the City of Sins

Dragrace in the City of Sins - Rayne D..png

A game in the Crash Pandas rules, led by Rayne Whitington.

Long has your group of raccoons traveled through the desert to the promised land of bright lights and fried food. And now you have a chance for true greatness. Lifetime passes to the Rio’s “Mile-long Buffet”. All you have to do is win this race. And learn how to drive a car.

This game will be great if you like The Animaniacs, Loony Toons.

Feel free to take a look at the game beforehand:

This game will be great for new players.

This game will be a complete cartoon and favor role play over combat.

This game will be hosted on the con’s Discord server and open to Spectators.

CW: Rated P13 for mild language and raccoon violence.

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