"Honey Heist is a surprisingly successful one-page RPG. Here is the plot:
1) You have a complex plan that requires precise timing.
2) You are a GODDAMN BEAR.
That's largely it. It's easy to run and easy to play, and there's a D8 table for hats but this time you'll all be wearing berets. They can be green if you want.
This game will be great if you like Bears, silliness, puns, and thorough suspension of disbelief We will build characters in session.
This session will be especially good for new players.
The game runner is very familiar with this system.
Tone: Silly⚪⚬⚬⚬⚬ Serious
Combat: ⚪⚪⚬⚬⚬
Role Play: ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪
Exploration: ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪
This game will be played in room #3 of the TTRPG Pickup Con Discord Server. Spectators are welcome in the Discord room.
CW: Possible cartoonish harm to bears
Check out the Rules: https://gshowitt.itch.io/honey-heist