Kody Raslawski

Describe yourself and your play style. I am a fairly easy going, generally serious GM, though I've been known for my comedic games. I lean heavily into horror and general weirdness in my games. This is likely on account of my first GMing experience coming from Call of Cthulhu. I love introducing people to ttrpgs they haven't played before. As an avid runner of horror games, my goal is to ensure that no matter how bad of a time my player's characters are having, that the players themselves walk away happy.

Tell us about your favorite NPC to have run. My favorite NPC was a man by the name of Stephen Hurst, or as my players called him, Casserole Man. He was an antiquarian living in 1920s Chicago who's study of the occult unhinged him enough to make him quirky rather than completely insane. Every time the players would arrive to see him there would be an escalating number of locks he would undo on his door, as he complained about the hooligans across the street, referring to the local grade school. He earned his name when the players found out they could wholesale purchase his loyalty by bringing him food, mostly casseroles.

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Adam Weber