Golden Spirit Gaming

Is there anything else you'd like to tell potential players to help them get to know you? “I am a huge role player and adore systems like Cortex that really dig into the role-playing aspect of ttrpgs. I’ve run games from D&D 5e to Tales of Xadia as a professional GM, and I look forward to playing an amazing game with you all!”

Tell us about your favorite NPC to have run. “I don’t want to spoil anything, but getting to play a goofy but trying to be serious guard has been such fun! I love playing silly characters the most but the brooding NPCs can certainly be just as fun. “

Is there anything else you'd like to tell potential players to help them get to know you? “Safety and inclusion are my top priorities in gaming. If my players feel neither safe nor included, the game falls apart quickly and the fun ends abruptly. I am LGBT+ friendly and make sure that everyone feels comfortable at my table. “

Upcoming Games


David P


Collin R.