Gary R. Hallert

Describe yourself and your play style. I'm an ugly (we will not be sharing video), overweight, semi-rich, semi-retired half-white dude. Coming from privilege, I often make mistakes with people who've suffered from the society I benefited from, but I am open to correction and I will try to keep the game running with acknowledgment and adjusted behaviors on my part. That said, I have been running different types of RPGs since the 80s. I tend to play fast and loose with the rules of any system and default to narrative events when in a bind. I run from rough plot outlines, expecting player choices to shape most of the experience.

Tell us about your favorite NPC to have run. I like to open the table up to players and have them step into NPC roles from time-to-time, increasing the level of interaction and player agency. I used to do a lot of silly voices, but my microphone limits that these days. I still do a few, just to differentiate.

Is there anything else you'd like to tell potential players to help them get to know you? I'll have patience with you if you have patience with me! Let's have patience with each other. I try to work grim and serious things into the game on the edges, which people seem to want, but I'm bad at that and I'd rather we all had fun.

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