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X-Men Days of Future Past: Part 1

Take a drink every time a new kind of gun is introduced.png

Thanks to their convenient mutations and combat training from a distressingly young age, two pop culture observers/zany podcast sidekicks/most excellent friends are here to give you some fun and maybe a little hope through a breakdown of time travel media.

This movie is another one that divided us. Mostly of the division was between us of 2014 and us of today. We’re our standards too low in 2014 or are they too high now? Either way, this is a great movie to enjoy while becoming slightly less able to remember the details. Thus, a drinking and smoking game has arrived, primed to make your viewing that much better.

Make sure you’re subscribed on your pod catcher of choice because There’s more where this came from. Next week, Ben and Erin review “X-Men: Days of Future Past” and trust us when we say, there is a lot to cover.

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